White-collar crime is one of the fastest-growing, widespread problems facing businesses today. Crimes involving fraud and embezzlement can go undetected for years. By the time they are discovered, the losses sustained can have a devastating and irreparable effect on your bottom line. Regardless of your business size, you are a potential victim of white collar crime.
The Solution
Workplace crime can happen to any business at any time. Although, it can have a bigger impact on a smaller business due to limited resources, workplace crime can happen even in the best work environments.
Crime coverage protects against losses from employee theft and dishonesty, credit card forgery, computer fraud and theft, and disappearance and destruction of property. This coverage protects current and future business assets as well as your business’ credibility.
Although this risk is increasingly more common – and very costly – fewer than half of all companies protect themselves with crime coverage. Make sure your business is one that carries this critical coverage as part of your risk management strategy.